Play an intrepid xeno-archeologist consulting on a blockbuster film - make sure to remove any historically inaccurate props. Make use of your world class knowledge of human history and culture - use W,A,S,D or the arrow keys to walk to inaccurate props and push them gently out of frame.

Select a level by pressing one of the buttons under 'Select area of expertise'
Press the mute button if you don't enjoy sound

Push the boat to get started

Pause using the button in the top centre
Resume using the button in the bottom centre

Godot web builds may not work on all browsers, firefox or chrome reccommended
Performance might not be very good on linux
Seem to be some frame rate issues caused by THE FOG loading in for the first time
Photos used are public domain

Originally made for 'Acerolla Jam 0 - theme: Aberration' contains the gdscript used for the project, but beware, it is quite messy.


gnu_1.0.1.x86_64 68 MB
win_1.0.1.exe 67 MB
Download 4 kB

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